Thursday, May 31, 2018


Some action that I can do in order to protect the forest is to not have trash in the forest because if you have trash the forest would look ugly. So I think one thing we can do is put trash cans in the forest so if there are people walking or doing a hike they can put trash in some king of trash can and not in the forest. Another thing we can do to keep the forest clean is to bring a plastic bag with you an put trash in it and then you can throw it in the trash. Another thing you can do is to not bring anything that can't be thrown away.

My time in the forest has been an awesome experience for me. I love the forest and love the animals that are in it so when I hear that there was going to be a trip to the forest I was excited and wanted to go. The experience was good I learned a lot about the forest and the animals that live in it. The family that was taking care of us were really good. The food that they made for us was amazing to so the whole time I had a wonder full time. So to say 

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