Thursday, May 17, 2018


How does the observed new knowledge of interesting/unique facts affect your knowledge?
  • One of the most significant observations I made was the amount of litter found in the forest. Before the trip, I was constantly heard that the forest was one of the most well-preserved area in Belarus. I was expecting it to be like a "sacred" place where almost no human interaction existed. However, nearly every 5 minutes walking, I could find plastic bottles, plastic bags, cigarette boxes, and so much other trash that are extremely harmful to the environment. I less aware of the problems of littering, but after being in what I've been told in "one of the clearest place," I now have a sense of the severeness.

What can be done to prevent this?
  • One possible solution I thought was to place several big trash cans. This is not the best solution though since there are many problems associated with this. If trash cans are placed, that means human interference will increase to collect trash to empty them regularly. This might disturb the animals, which is also one of the problems in the forest. 
  • Another possible solution is to put up signs saying that littering is prohibited. Of course, I doubt that people will actually follow this, but it's at least a try.

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